Thursday, September 2, 2010

Germany....July 11-25

We will catch up eventually....but here is part of Germany. We are currently in Venice. Beautiful!
Riding along the Bodensee that led us into Germany was of course beautiful, but one of the more crowded sections of our trip. As the path around the lake is only 200k, paved, flat and lined with towns and campsites, it was a touring mecca for older couples and families. Many young families pulled a trailer with a child or two, rode with a toddler seat directly behind their own, had a double bike or the kids rode solo. Needless to say, we spent much of our time ringing our bells and trying to get around the leisure riders.
The last time we were around English speaking people (thanks Jason and Christine!) was when we were in Barcelona visiting friends. Some of the adjustments along this trip are 1. getting used to not being able to understand the conversations going on around us (this will be a trip when we are in an English speaking country again) and 2. remembering to speak slowly when talking to someone who only speaks a bit of English. Needless to say, we were extremely excited for meet some friends from Australia in Friedrichshafen, Germany.
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