Thursday, August 9, 2012

Taken in again

Spending the night in a picnic area with "No Camping" signs obviously posted, we were up bright and early. My favorite time of day to be on the bike is in the early morning. The air is crisp, few cars, no honks and full of energy. The only thing lacking is coffee and breakfast but I know my growling stomach will be satisfied soon with a delicious breakfast and chance to catch up on any news. We happily sit for a good two hours reading about the Olympics (for Ryan) and doing the crosswords/sudoku/word games (for me). The morning is my favorite time of the day when we wake early enough to enjoy those quieter moments.

Like I said, I have been craving a home. A place to sit that is cushioned and cook a delicious dinner that mostly consisted of vegetables. What do you know, it actually happened. We heard of a few places to possibly eat lobster which we have yet to enjoy because 1. it's a bit expensive, 2. we do not have a pot big enough to cook it ourselves, 3. Ryan had an allergic reaction to shellfish in the past, so eating it and having him react in the middle of nowhere is not that appealing. But, we pulled into a parking lot of a restaurant with a seafood sign and a guy was pulled over fixing his windshield wiper. Before long we were talking and he offered for us to put our tent up in his yard. A few minutes later he offered for us his home until he got back around 9:30pm; a shower, any food in the refrigerator, fresh veggies to pick from the garden. Yes! I was so thankful.

We parted ways knowing we would see him in a few hours. First stop, a dip in the crystal clear ocean with views going north and south of curving roads with just that one beautiful home sitting on the lands edge. Who lives there? The land here is spectacular, definitely some of the most beautiful we have seen in all of our travels. The pictures cannot do justice, you will just have to visit and explore yourself. Trust me, it's worth it. Kevin, the nice gentleman who offered his home, wanted to take a stab at homemade blueberry pie this evening, so we stopped at the local shop for some peaches, thinking if we are going through the trouble to make 1 pie from scratch, why not double the recipe and make two. We arrived at his house and without even sitting down, I grabbed a bowl and went directly to the garden to pick fresh veggies. Heaven. Snap peas, delicious. Beans, yum. Lettuce. Before long I had made myself right at home and was whipping us dinner while listening to the Olympics on the radio.

Our list of food for today: granola bar, poached egg, three sausage links, 2 pieces of toast with jam, homefries, pb&j, pb&j with bananas, huge cheesy biscuit, and a peanut butter cookie. This was before dinner and we were starved by the time the plates hit the table. I made enormous salads with tomatoes, snap peas, hard boiled eggs and cucumbers with a garlic, olive oil, balsamic dressing and sauteed beans with garlic and butter. It was more or less amazing and I cannot wait to have a garden at our disposal in our future. We ate an hour ago and Ryan just said, "hemm...I'm hungry again." Too funny.

Here I sit, writing our blog to update tomorrow, in a man's home that I met 5 hours ago and talked to for maybe 30 minutes. There is much kindness in the world, sometimes we need to look a bit harder for it, but it is there. I take my dad's words of wisdom with me everyday and do my best to make the world a better place. Imagine if we all gave just a little, how much more enjoyable life would be.

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