Thursday, June 3, 2010

Catalon is not Spain - Writing

Hello from Andorra! You might need a map to find this country as it is extremely small. Still, counsidering it is smack in the middle of the Pyrenees mountains it still takes a long time to pedal uphill, which is what we will be doing here in a few days to make it over the 2,500 meter tall pass into France. Everyone here looks at us like we are crazy.
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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Pictures of Barcelona

Amazing Barcelona Market

Jamon shop... the sushi of ham

Yes, the cheeks are for sale.

Veggies everywhere

Fresh fruit for for 2 euro

The ancient viking game of Yahtzee

Paella of course. The other paella was with black rice; made black by squid ink. Tasty.

Strolling the Med.

Belgian Beers

Mr. Jason Hershberger

Romanesque Cathedrals

and their rose windows