Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A break from riding

From Zahara, we rode for 10 days straight, ranging anywhere from a meager 20+ kilometers through the mountains to 130K on the flatter lands per day. We have mostly been riding along the coast, swerving and hilly. Boy oh boy, 10 days of riding and my butt sure did hurt. We planned to ride close to Velencia before taking days off and heading on a train to Barcelona, but my sore legs and yearning for some walks and simplicity of not packing and unpacking our panniers, we stopped in the little town of Los Narejos, just outside of Cartegena. We arrived late on Saturday evening, winding our way to the campground along a road filled with kids in their late teens to early 20´s drinking cocktails and deafing themselves to techno blaring from their cars. Little did we know that the campground hosted a dance club, playing techno until about 2am and then the kids go to their cars and continue even loader music as it is closer to our tent until 8am. Wow! A crappy campground, sleeping (or lack there of until the music stopped) under an awning because of the lack of trees, and this is where we were spending our day off. Great I thought.
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1 comment:

  1. Have you folks read Paul Theoux's "Pillars of Hercules"? It is about traveling from the Strait of Gibraltar along the coast of the Mediterranean to the tip of Morocco. I am reading it now as you all are traveling along these places. That, combined with the great blog, are taking me away from my classroom of misfits nicely. Check it out if you get a chance...keep up the writing and riding. Loving it all.
